import './support.js';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import cheerio from 'cheerio';
import pify from 'pify';
import _ from 'lodash';
const validInputs = [
const pfs = pify(fs);
const InlineHtmlCompiler = global.compilersByMimeType['text/html'];
const d = require('debug')('test:inline-html-compiler');
describe('The inline HTML compiler', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
let compilers = _.reduce(Object.keys(global.compilersByMimeType), (acc, x) => {
let Klass = global.compilersByMimeType[x];
acc[x] = new Klass();
return acc;
}, {});
compilers['application/javascript'].compilerOptions = {
"presets": ["stage-0", "es2015", "react"],
"sourceMaps": "inline"
compilers['text/coffeescript'].compilerOptions = { sourceMap: true };
this.fixture = InlineHtmlCompiler.createFromCompilers(compilers);
_.each(validInputs, (inputFile) => {
it('should compile the valid fixture ' + inputFile, async function() {
let input = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test', 'fixtures', inputFile);
let cc = {};
expect(await this.fixture.shouldCompileFile(input, cc)).to.be.ok;
let code = await pfs.readFile(input, 'utf8');
let df = await this.fixture.determineDependentFiles(input, code, cc);
let result = await this.fixture.compile(code, input, cc);
let $ = cheerio.load(result.code);
let tags = $('script');
expect(tags.length > 0).to.be.ok;
$('script').map((__, el) => {
let text = $(el).text();
if (!text || text.length < 2) return;
expect(_.find(text.split('\n'), (l) => l.match(/sourceMappingURL/))).to.be.ok;
it('should compile the valid fixture ' + inputFile + ' synchronously', function() {
let input = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test', 'fixtures', inputFile);
let cc = {};
expect(this.fixture.shouldCompileFileSync(input, cc)).to.be.ok;
let code = fs.readFileSync(input, 'utf8');
let df = this.fixture.determineDependentFilesSync(input, code, cc);
let result = this.fixture.compileSync(code, input, cc);
let $ = cheerio.load(result.code);
let tags = $('script');
expect(tags.length > 0).to.be.ok;
$('script').map((__, el) => {
let text = $(el).text();
if (!text || text.length < 2) return;
expect(_.find(text.split('\n'), (l) => l.match(/sourceMappingURL/))).to.be.ok;
it('should remove protocol-relative URLs because they are dumb', async function() {
let input = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test', 'fixtures', 'roboto.html');
let cc = {};
expect(await this.fixture.shouldCompileFile(input, cc)).to.be.ok;
let code = await pfs.readFile(input, 'utf8');
let df = await this.fixture.determineDependentFiles(input, code, cc);
let result = await this.fixture.compile(code, input, cc);
expect(result.code.length > 0).to.be.ok;
let $ = cheerio.load(result.code);
let tags = $('link');
expect(tags.length === 1).to.be.ok;
it('should canonicalize x-require paths', async function() {
let input = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test', 'fixtures', 'x-require-valid.html');
let cc = {};
expect(await this.fixture.shouldCompileFile(input, cc)).to.be.ok;
let code = await pfs.readFile(input, 'utf8');
let df = await this.fixture.determineDependentFiles(input, code, cc);
let result = await this.fixture.compile(code, input, cc);
expect(result.code.length > 0).to.be.ok;
let $ = cheerio.load(result.code);
let tags = $('x-require');
expect(tags.length === 1).to.be.ok;
$('x-require').map((__, el) => {
let src = $(el).attr('src');
expect(_.find(src.split(/[\\\/]/), (x) => x === '.' || x === '..')).not.to.be.ok;